Source code for moabdb.constants
"""MoabDB Constants Manager"""
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from typing import Union
import io
import concurrent.futures as cf
import pandas as pd
from . import proto_wrapper
API_KEY = ""
DB_URL = ""
DAILY_COLUMNS = ['Symbol', 'Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'VWAP',\
'BidPrc', 'AskPrc', 'Volume', 'Trades']
INTRA_COLUMNS = ['Symbol', 'Time', 'Trades', 'Volume', 'Imbalance', 'Close',\
'VWAP', 'BidPrc', 'AskPrc', 'BidSz', 'AskSz']
RATES_COLUMNS = ['Date', 'Treasury_1m', 'Treasury_2m', 'Treasury_3m',
'Treasury_4m', 'Treasury_6m', 'Treasury_1y', 'Treasury_2y',
'Treasury_3y', 'Treasury_5y', 'Treasury_7y', 'Treasury_10y',
'Treasury_20y', 'Treasury_30y', 'Realrate_5y', 'Realrate_7y',
'Realrate_10y', 'Realrate_20y', 'Realrate_30y']
def login(username: str, key: str):
Logs in to the API to provide data that is not publically available.
Throws an error if the username/key is wrong, or if there's a connection error.
username (str): The email that you signed up with
key (str): The key that you got at
None: On success, this will return nothing
errors.MoabResponseError: If there's a problem interpreting the response
errors.MoabRequestError: If the server has a problem interpreting the request,
or if an invalid parameter is passed
errors.MoabInternalError: If the server runs into an unrecoverable error internally
errors.MoabHttpError: If there's a problem transporting the payload or receiving a response
errors.MoabUnauthorizedError: If the user is not authorized to request the datatype
errors.MoabNotFoundError: If the data requested wasn't found
errors.MoabUnknownError: If the error code couldn't be parsed
import moabdb as mdb
mdb.login("", "secret_key")
print("Login succeeded")
# Create a login request
req = proto_wrapper.REQUEST()
req.token = key
req.username = username
res = req.send(DB_URL + 'login/v1/')
# pylint: disable=global-statement
global API_KEY
API_KEY = key
API_USERNAME = username