Source code for moabdb.timewindows

"""Time window functions for MoabDB"""

import re
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
from . import errors

def _to_unix_epoch(date_string):
    # Get uniq epoch time as integer
    unix_epoch = datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d")
    t_m = (unix_epoch - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
    return int(t_m)

def _to_unix_w_freq(sample_len, base_time, base_type):
        Provide time frequency and base time,
            returns offset time.
        Enter negative end_tm as base_time to find start date.
        Enter positive beg_tm as base_time to find end date.
    tm_freq, tm_unit = re.findall(r'(\d+)(\w+?)', sample_len)[0]
    tm_freq = int(tm_freq) * (-1) if base_type == 'End' else int(tm_freq)

    base_timestamp = pd.Timestamp(base_time, unit='s')

    if str.upper(tm_unit) == 'D':
        new_time = base_timestamp + pd.DateOffset(days=tm_freq)
    elif str.upper(tm_unit) == 'W':
        new_time = base_timestamp + pd.DateOffset(weeks=tm_freq)
    elif str.upper(tm_unit) == 'M':
        new_time = base_timestamp + pd.DateOffset(months=tm_freq)
    elif str.upper(tm_unit) == 'Y':
        new_time = base_timestamp + pd.DateOffset(years=tm_freq)
        raise errors.MoabRequestError("Unknown time unit, accepts: D, W, M, Y")
    return int(new_time.timestamp())

[docs] def get_unix_dates(sample_len: str, start_dt: str, end_dt: str): """ Convert timestamps/samples into a start and end unix epoch time Args: sample_len (:obj:`str`, optional): The sample length to adjust the start/end by start_dt (:obj:`str`, optional): The start timestamp end_dt (:obj:`str`, optional): The end timestamp Returns: None: On success, this will return nothing Example:: import moabdb as mdb mdb.login("", "secret_key") print("Login succeeded") """ # User provided sample length ... # ... but didn't provide anything else --> get recent sample if (end_dt is None) & (start_dt is None): today ="%Y-%m-%d") end = _to_unix_epoch(today) start = _to_unix_w_freq(sample_len, end, 'End') # ... and provided start date --> find end date using sample length elif (end_dt is None) & (start_dt is not None): start = _to_unix_epoch(start_dt) end = _to_unix_w_freq(sample_len, start, 'Start') # ... and provided end date --> find start date using sample length elif (end_dt is not None) & (start_dt is None): end = _to_unix_epoch(end_dt) start = _to_unix_w_freq(sample_len, end, 'End') # ... and provided start and end date --> ignore sample length elif (end_dt is not None) & (start_dt is not None): end = _to_unix_epoch(end_dt) start = _to_unix_epoch(start_dt) # ... and provided something else --> error else: raise errors.MoabRequestError("Invalid date input") return (start, end)